To be considered for the podium and cash prizes, all competitors in the 3 RM Bench Press 2025 Open must adhere to the following rules for the workout:
There is a three (3) minute cap for completion of a single max set of three consecutive bench press reps after initial unracking for the workout.
The video submitted should include the full set completed in under three minutes.
Failed attempts and/or warm up attempts should not be included in the submitted video.
The athlete’s submitted video must include audio and visual confirmation of the weights of the bar and plates benched, as well as total weight benched.
All bench repetitions must demonstrate a full range of motion in which the barbell must touch the athlete’s chest and a full extension and lockout at the elbow must occur at the top of the movement.
The competition video must show the full range of motion and camera angle must be at the same level as the bench or higher in order to display full range of motion and lockout per rep.
An athlete may not use a bounce from the barbell off of the chest.
The athlete’s glutes must touch the bench for the entirety of the exercise sequence.
Feet must remain on the floor. Shorter athletes may put plates under their feet.
Athletes may have a spotter present while performing the bench press.
The spotter cannot assist with a lift-off and the spotter’s hands must remain clear from the barbell while the competitor is performing the movement.
The only assistance that the spotter can provide is lifting the bar if an athlete fails on their final repetition.
Athletes are responsible for recording and documenting weights for all plates and bar after their 3-rep set to be submitted is completed.
Athletes are responsible for self-timing their workout, either with an app (i.e., WOD Tracker, SmartWOD Timer, WETime) or by having a gym clock or iPad with a timer clearly in view throughout the workout. Links to timing apps can be found on our website.
Competition Rules
Registered athletes agree to and will comply with the following rules related to the Donor Games Open competition format.
All athletes must be 18 years or older as of the close of registration for the competition.
All athletes must agree to the Donor Games Consent Agreement and adhere to the Workout Rules and Competition Rules herein.
Athletes must submit their full workout video at any time during the competition window: from January 23 through January 29, 2025 at 11:59 ET.
Athletes may submit more than one workout video to improve their standings on the leaderboard.
Competitors may submit no more than ONE video within any 24-hour period.
Should an additional workout video be disqualified; it does not impact the rank/eligibility of a previously approved workout video.
Athletes must be willing to accept prize winnings via ACH. Failure to provide ACH payment information within one week of the official prize-winning notification will result in forfeiture of the cash prize. All prize winnings will be dispersed within two weeks of the official prize-winning notification from the Donor Games.
General athletes who compete a modified workout are not eligible for cash prizes.
Failure to perform the exercises according to the guidelines will result in disqualification.
Judges’ decisions are final.
Judges may reject an athlete’s workout video due to: (a) improper form; (b) failure to complete the workout; (c) copyright infringements; or (d) any other issues that arise in review of the workout.
If a workout video is rejected, the competitor is allowed to submit a new competition workout video at any time during the competition window.
Should the workout be disqualified on the last day of competition, athletes may be given an extension beyond the competition deadline at the discretion of the judges.
If no new video is submitted before the deadline, the competitor is disqualified.